Beachside Community Acupuncture stands out from other acupuncture clinics because of its practice model and atmosphere. The only privately owned community acupuncture clinic in the Dallas area, we offer treatments on a sliding scale, so patients choose how much they'd like to pay based on their personal health budgets. (In private practice, an acupuncture treatment can cost up to $300.) We suggest patients stay a full hour to get the most out of their treatments, and because we have one big treatment area, people can book back-to-back appointments with their family, friends, or co-workers and enjoy their hour of relaxation together. Our entire clinic is designed to simulate a beach oasis, so many patients wake up after their treatments thinking they were in their favorite vacation spot, which is a nice change in landlocked McKinney.
...every individual should be his or her own health advocate
...the path to health shouldn't be a secret
...everyone should have access to affordable holistic medicine
...the beach can heal aches of the body, mind, and soul is our duty to preserve beaches for future generations
MEET OUR OWNER: Kathleen (Ellerie) Ketola, L.Ac., A.P., Dipl. O.M., was born and raised in Boca Raton, Florida, loving paddle boarding, kayaking, sand volleyball, and really any other activity in the sunshine. Her passion for health started when she was in kindergarten as she memorized the organs and bones and colored in photos from her mom's medical textbooks. She taught herself about nutrition, herbal medicine, and essential oils growing up and pursued Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Nutrition at the University of Florida. After graduating she immediately went on to earn a Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and Bachelor of Health Science from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine and moved to Texas, where she treated patients in private practice at clinics in Plano and Rockwall before starting Beachside in November of 2016. Outside of work, she loves reading mystery novels, practicing yoga, and bicycling, still preferring to be outdoors as often as possible.
Kathleen Ketola is also the media liaison for Beachside Community Acupuncture and can be contacted at (214) 417-2260 or
on the mPower Physical Therapy podcast
Top Rated Local Interview after winning "Best Acupuncturist in Texas in 2019"
Meet Kathleen Ellerie of Beachside Community Acupuncture
in VoyageDallas
I had been struggling with pain in my left wrist for a few months. I had tried massage, chiropractic, and nothing worked. Kathleen was able to relieve my pain in one session. That was two years ago, and I'm still pain free today with full range of motion and use. Thank you! -A.B.
This place is such a hidden gem. I was hesitant to do acupuncture because of past unpleasant experiences but I am so grateful to have done it here. Never would I have imagined this type of clinic existed in DFW. Kathleen is so passionate about her job and it is truly inspiring. It has been an oasis to relax and sleep better at home. Thank you for opening and being a great resource in the community! -A.A.
In addition to helping our community through our services, we also strive to produce easy-to-understand, useful content that guides people through their health journeys and teach the basics of self-care through various outlets.
Add Acupressure to Your Yoga Practice
in Dallas Yoga Magazine
The Importance of Breathing Exercises in Chinese Medicine
in Dallas Yoga Magazine
How Acupuncturists View (and Treat) Pain
in Dallas Yoga Magazine
The following images may be used in media pertaining to Kathleen Ketola, L.Ac., A.P., Dipl. O.M., and/or Beachside Community Acupuncture. Others are available upon request.
Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about us and receive nutrition and lifestyle tips that you can use to work on your health at home! Plus, by signing up right now we'll send you a Diet Therapy Starter sheet as a FREE GIFT. This sheet covers the basic diet guidelines that we review with our patients and you can be ahead of the game for free:
1402 S Custer Rd, Ste 703
McKinney, TX 75072
(214) 417-2260
Best Acupuncture in Texas 2019 (#1), 2021 (#2), 2022 (#1), 2023 (#1), 2024 (#1) - Top Rated Local
Best Business in Texas 2022 (#9), 2023 (#7), 2024 (#9) - Top Rated Local
Neighborhood Fave 2024 - Nextdoor
Top 60 TCM Blogs and Websites - FeedSpot
Best Acupuncture in Dallas 2024 - Three Best Rated
Best Acupuncture in Dallas 2024 - BusinessRate
Best Acupuncture in Addison 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 - Addison Guide Readers' Choice Awards
Best Acupuncture in Farmers Branch 2023 - Farmers Branch Award Program
Best Acupuncture Practice in Texas 2022 - New World Report Magazine
Patient Care Excellence Award in Texas 2022 - New World Report Magazine
The information provided on this website is designed to provide general advice on healthcare and is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor is it meant to replace medical advice. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problems, please consult your own physician, and always consult your physician before beginning a new health program to make sure it is appropriate for you.