Journaling Basics

Journaling Basics on the Beachside Blog

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Did you ever keep a diary when you were little? It probably contained entries about what happened at school that day, confessions about crushes, or maybe even rants about your parents. While keeping a journal in that sense has its place - keeping memories and allowing for a bit of venting - journaling as a wellness practice is very different.


Journaling, or freewriting, has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve liver function, and decrease anxiety, among other things. Writing without thinking can allow you to move past the walls set up by the conscious mind to access deeper emotions and desires, tapping into the subconscious to sift through trauma and self-imposed limitations. If you've been feeling stuck, starting a journaling practice might be a valuable key in figuring out the root reasons so that you can move forward.


Step 1: Set Up

Technically all you need to freewrite is a pen and paper, but personalizing your journaling can reinforce that it's an important part of your wellness routine rather than an afterthought. Buying a nice, sturdy notebook means you'll have all of your thoughts in one place, keeping them organized and easy to look back on. (Having one that has an inspiring message or image of your happy place may also help.) You may also want to consider using a unique pen, a meaningful bookmark, or other special additions.


Besides the utensils themselves, think about the atmosphere you'd like to create for your journaling practice. Ideally you'd be in a relaxed space where you feel at ease and know that you won't be interrupted. Listening to music or soothing sounds can be beneficial - we love Wholetones and ocean waves for ambiance at our clinic - but silence can also be healing. 


Finally, you may want to use sort of timer - or a timer app on your phone - to set a specific amount of time for your practice. Having a timer will allow you to immerse yourself in the process because you won't have to look at a clock to check that you're not running late. On the other hand, it may also propel you deeper into your journaling, as you continue to write to fill the time and therefore dig farther beneath your surface thoughts.

Step 2: Set an Intention

While you can approach freewriting with a blank slate, truly just writing what pops into your head, you can also have a goal in mind. Whether it's getting to the root of an emotional block or clearing beliefs about your past, having a starting point will give direction to your musings. Granted, where you start may not be where you finish, and as you write you may journey away from your original intention. Let your mind go where it desires, as everything is related and provides insight.


If you're not sure of your motivation, search for prompts online for inspiration. They may be a word ("joy" or "forgiveness"), a question ("Why am I feeling sad?" or "What do I need to let go to move forward?"), or a statement ("I am grateful" or "My past is in the past"). Choose something that calls to you, and use it as a headline the top of your page, being as general or as specific as you'd like. 

Step 3: Start Journaling!

Freewriting is just that, writing freely. Put your pen to paper and start writing without thinking. Don't worry about spelling or grammar; don't go back and edit mistakes. Write without judging yourself or without taking time to analyze what is coming up. Let yourself feel emotions but don't try to process them just yet. Journal until your timer goes off or you feel like you've completed your goal.


Once you've finished, you can then sit with what you're feeling. Read through what you wrote and make notes on what still needs more work - maybe creating a list of future journaling prompts - or just relax to let whatever was uncovered settle.

Journaling Steps on the Beachside blog: Set up, set an intention, start freewriting!

Freewriting can be a very gentle way to process emotions and tap into deep desires...but it can also stir a lot up. Pace your journaling practice in a way that feels good for you, giving yourself plenty of time to assimilate what comes up. The key is to be consistent while still listening to what your body wants. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed after journaling, you may need to add other self-work like forgiveness exercises or meditation to your wellness routine, or even find a therapist to help you sift through what you uncover. Acupuncture can also be beneficial as we see physical and emotional health as being related. 

Kathleen Ketola is a Licensed Acupuncturist and the owner of Beachside Community Acupuncture. She loves providing affordable acupuncture to the residents of McKinney, Texas, and surrounding cities like Prosper, Frisco, and Plano, but she also enjoys educating the general public on how acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can treat everything from pain to infertility to stress and beyond. Click "Book Now" at the top of this page to book an appointment or feel free to contact her at (214) 417-2260.