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Castor oil packing is trendy now, but in reality castor oil has been used in traditional medicines for thousands of years. While research hasn't conclusively shown this remedy to have a guaranteed benefit, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support its ability to detoxify as the body absorbs its main therapeutic compound. Common areas to place the packs are:
- The liver (right rib cage)
- The uterus (lower abdomen)
- The digestive organs (abdomen)
- The thyroid (front of the neck)
- "Problem areas" (e.g. an achy joint)
This detox is relatively easy - no excessive supplements or strict diets! - and can be done routinely once you get the hang of it.
Castor Oil Packing Supplies
Making a castor oil pack is not very expensive, given you can reuse its components over and over again. All you need are:
- Castor oil
- A piece of wool or cotton flannel cloth
- A garbage bag or plastic wrap
- A towel
- A heating pad
- A jar
Alternatively, you can buy a kit to make life simpler. (Keep in mind that the instructions that come with the kit may not be optimal; often they don't advocate using much oil and omit the heating pad.)
How to Castor Oil Pack
Choose what body part you'll be working on, and find a comfortable spot where you can relax while the castor oil pack rests on the area. Gather the supplies listed above, as well anything you'll need to occupy the time (book, TV remote, meditation app...) Then:
- Lay out the towel where you'll be reclining.
- Plug in the heating pad to get it warmed up.
- Saturate the wool in castor oil.
- Apply the oil-soaked cloth to your skin.
- Cover it the cloth with plastic.
- Arrange the heating pad on top of the plastic.
- Relax!
Once you're done, carefully place the cloth into a jar to store it for your next "treatment," keeping in mind that castor oil can easily stain clothes, and wipe off any excess from your skin.

We always recommend easing into a detox, so before you go crazy with castor oil packing, start with a shorter amount of time - even 15 minutes - and take a day or two to see how you feel afterward. If that feels okay, gradually increase the duration and frequency until you reach a happy spot, say an hour a few times per week. Also, be very careful with detoxing when working on fertility, only castor oil packing when you know that you're not pregnant. If you notice any big detoxification symptoms, drink lots of water, rest, and back off the castor oil packing for a few days. The key is to always listen to your body, and as always, discuss what you're considering with your doctor and/or other healthcare practitioners before diving in!

Kathleen Ketola is a Licensed Acupuncturist and the owner of Beachside Community Acupuncture. She loves providing affordable acupuncture to the residents of McKinney, Texas, and surrounding cities like Prosper, Frisco, and Plano, but she also enjoys educating the general public on how acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can treat everything from pain to infertility to stress and beyond. Click "Book Now" at the top of this page to book an appointment or feel free to contact her at (214) 417-2260.